7 Interesting Virus-related Facts:
A virus is an infectious particle that exhibits both life- and non-life-like traits. In terms of structure and functionality, viruses are distinct from plants, animals, and microbes. They cannot independently replicate since they are not cells. For energy synthesis, reproduction, and survival, viruses need a host. Viruses, which range in size from 20 to 400 nanometers, are the root cause of numerous human diseases, including the flu, chicken pox, and the common cold.
01. Some Viruses Can Lead To Cancer:
Cancer viruses have been related to specific forms of cancer. Some cancers that have been linked to various viral infections include Kaposi sarcoma, Burkitt's lymphoma, liver cancer, cervical cancer, and T-cell leukaemia. However, the majority of viral infections do not result in cancer.
2. Certain Viruses Are Naked:
All viruses have a capsid, which is a protein coating, but some, like the influenza virus, also have an extra membrane called an envelope. Naked viruses are those that lack this additional membrane. An important determining factor in how a virus interacts with the host's membrane, enters a host, and leaves the host after maturation is whether it has an envelope or not.
While naked viruses must enter a cell by endocytosis by the host cell, enveloped viruses can enter the host by fusing with the host membrane to release their genetic material into the cytoplasm. In contrast to naked viruses, which must lyse (break open) the host cell to depart, enveloped viruses can exit through budding or exocytosis by the host.
3. Viruses Can Be Divided Into 2 Classes:
In addition to single-stranded or double-stranded DNA, certain viruses can also have single-stranded or double-stranded RNA as part of their genetic makeup. Additionally, some viruses' genetic material is organized as straight strands, whilst other viruses' genetic material is organized as circular molecules. The kind of genetic information a virus carries affects both the type of cells that can serve as its hosts and the virus's mode of replication.
4. The Virus Can Latched On To A Host For Years:
Viruses go through a multi-phased life cycle. By means of certain proteins on the cell surface, the virus first adheres to the host. These proteins are often receptors, and they vary according on the kind of virus that is attacking the cell. Once attached, the virus then uses endocytosis or fusion to enter the cell. The host's mechanisms are used to replicate the virus's essential proteins and DNA or RNA.
The host is lysed once the new viruses have reached maturity, allowing them to continue the cycle. Only a few viruses go through the lysogenic or latent phase, which comes after the reproduction phase. The virus can stay inside the host for long periods of time during this phase without obviously altering the host cell. However, if activated, these viruses can quickly go into the lytic phase, where replication, maturation, and release can take place.
HIV, for example, might lay latent for ten years
5. Viruses Infect Bacterial, Plant, And Animal Cells:
Both bacterial and eukaryotic cells can become infected by viruses. Animal viruses are the most well-known eukaryotic viruses, but viruses can also infect plants. Typically, insects or bacteria are required by these plant viruses in order to break through the cell walls of plants. When a plant becomes infected, a virus that normally does not kill the plant but instead causes deformities in the plant's growth and development can cause a number of diseases.
Phages, also referred to as bacteriophages, are viruses that infect bacteria. Bacteriophages have the same life cycle as eukaryotic viruses and have the ability to both infect bacteria with illnesses and lyse them out of existence. In fact, some viruses can quickly wipe out entire bacterial colonies because of how quickly they proliferate. Bacteriophages have been used to diagnose and treat infections caused by bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli.
06. Some Viruses Infect Cells Using Human Proteins:
Examples of viruses that use human proteins to infect cells include HIV and Ebola. Both viral proteins and proteins from human cell membranes are present in the viral capsid. The proteins from humans aid in hiding the virus from the immune system.
07. Cloning And Gene Therapy Employ Retroviruses
A retrovirus is a type of virus that repeats its genome using the enzyme reverse transcriptase and contains RNA. The viral RNA is transformed into DNA by this enzyme so that it can be incorporated into the host DNA. The viral DNA is subsequently converted into viral RNA, which is used for viral replication, by the host using its own enzymes. The ability of retroviruses to splice genes into human chromosomes is unmatched. These unique viruses have played a significant role in scientific research.