Reasons For English Success Against Other European Powers

Reasons For English Success Against Other European Powers

Among all the European nations who came as traders to India after new sea routes were discovered, England emerged as the most powerful and successful by the end of the eighteenth century.
  • The major factors for the English company success are:
  • Structure and Nature of the Trading Companies: The English East India Company was controlled by a board of directors whose members were elected annually and the shareholders of the company exercised considerable influence. The trading companies of France and Portugal were largely owned by the State and their nature was in many ways feudalistic.
  • Naval Superiority: The Royal Navy of Britain was not only the largest; it was most advanced of its times. In India too, the British were able to defeat the Portuguese and the French due to the strong and fast movement of the naval ships. The English learned from the Portuguese the importance of an efficient navy and improved their own fleet technologically.UPSC Prelims 2024 dynamic test series

  • Industrial Revolution: The Industrial Revolution started in England in the early 18th century, with the invention of new machines like the spinning Jenny, steam engine, the power loom, and several others. These machines greatly improved productivity in the fields of textile, metallurgy, steam power and agriculture. The industrial revolution reached other European nations late and this helped England to maintain its hegemony.

  • Military Skill and Discipline: The British soldiers were a disciplined lot and well trained. The British commanders were strategists who tried new tactics in warfare. Technological developments equipped the military well. All this combined to enable smaller groups of English fighters to defeat larger armies.

  • Stable Government: With the exception of the Glorious Revolution of 1688, Britain witnessed a stable government with efficient monarchs. Other European nations like France witnessed the violent revolution in 1789 and afterward the Napoleonic Wars. Napoleon’s defeat in 1815, significantly weakened France’s position and the Dutch and Spain were also involved in the 80-years war in the 17th century which weakened Portuguese imperialism.

  • Lesser Zeal for Religion: Britain was less zealous about religion and less interested in spreading Christianity, as compared to Spain, Portugal or Dutch. Thus, its rule was far more acceptable to the subjects than that of other colonial powers.

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